21 June, 2009

Mickey Mouse or Just Another Halluciation?

I have to apologise yet again. Today has been a busy day. You know how on some days you mentally put aside some time into a box labelled "Productive Time", and then go and start thinking about some important questions that have been on your mind, such as "those folks in Terminator 4 did a really good job against the robots - how were they so brave against their formidable and well-organised opponents?", or "does MacDonald's in Japan have wasabi-based products?", and "can a cookie with a single piece of chocolate be honestly called a Chocolate Chip Cookie?". Well, today is such a day.

And for this reason, we are going to review some brief, yet hardly unimportant, contributions to the Rare Sceneries of Japan list:

Here is a child's head with hair...

... in the shape of a heart!

Here is a closeup:

And a related, but different rare scene is - some moss by the side of the road...

... in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head!

The person who sent this entry in was so impressed by the sight of Mickey's head, that he comes every day to blow dust off it, using an air pump:

And water it (with mineral water):

However, this does raise the problem of Confirmation Bias - could the discoverers be influenced to see a shape that wasn't really there, and then comb/pour water in such a way as to make the shape more perfect? There is no way to tell, of course, but this does remind me a little of the market.

You can always find a pattern in the data if you squint hard enough.

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