08 June, 2009

A Surprising Outbreak of Harmony

Following all the excitement of yesterday's dry noodle experience, it is time to check out what is on TV. And, as luck would have it, we have got ...

... another Rare Scene in Japan!

This time, instead of an 80 year old He-Man, we have...

... a green iguana ? Nothing so special about that. Fairly big though.

The iguana understandibly likes to sunbathe on the windowsill. If you were the size of an iguana, you would probably do so too.

Now, here is the good part - the iguana is sunbathing there, when along comes...

... a cat! The cat's name is Nana (Seven) Chan, and the iguana is called Sora (Sky) Chan.

Now, at first this does not seem as exciting as, say, Gatchapon, however, you have to understand that the cat and iguana are not fighting at all! This is widely accepted by the studio audience as something of a miracle, with a simultaneous "Wow" in Japanese, which is pronounced "Eeeeeh" (long and rising "Eh"). The panalists are visibly impressed.

Now for the amazing part - the cat and iguana are such good friends, that they pet each other.

And, increadibly, they share their food more politely than they would with a fellow member of their own species. Although it looks like they are eating noodles, that would be too much unusual scenes to handle in one day, and, in fact, they are eating meat. You can see the reaction of one of the pannelists in the top right corner.

And here is a plasticine sculpture depicting the close bond between these unlikely friends.

And this reminds me a little of the market. Don't assume you can't do business with a cold-blooded creature.

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