10 June, 2009

Optimistic or Lazy Summer ?

In the stockmarket, there exists such an idea as a "buy and hold strategy". Perhaps not being terribly imaginative, whoever originally coined the term created a crisp expression to describe the way most people behave most of the time - i.e. do nothing. And doing a lot of nothing is often a good thing, because this protects you from the bundle of fear, excitement, imagination and panic that make up the average person. And the average person, as we now know very well, is as shrewd, savvy, and calm under pressure as the proverbial deer crossing a moonlit country lane when, just at that moment, a hypothetical American-made car sweeps into view, most likely creating much noise, and bathes the poor deer in headlights, after which some level of panic ensues.

Now, this is all just another way to say that there are times when it is best to not do terribly much at all. And that is the market message of the day.

In order to prevent protests and howling at what a cop-out this post is, I am providing a nice picture of something completely unrelated, but somewhat topical given current market conditions. This sign is from a clothing shop.

For those that have read this far, please note that JTMIJ is considering moving to a 3-per week schedule. If you have an opinion on this, do get on the website and press a voting button.

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