But what's this? Below the good Takahashi San's* hair cutting license is ...
...a ticket machine.
Yes. The game here is that you put in a 1000Yen note (don't worry almost all Japanese money is crisp, non-fake, and cooperates well with vending machines) into the machine, and get a ticket entitling you to ten minutes of hair-length reduction action. Notice the bowing character saying "thank you so much!".

Also, it's worth remembering, that for sanitary purposes, you shouldn't eat, smoke, drink, use your cell phone, use money other than a 1000Y note, use a toilet, or bring in a an alcoholic dog (especially not one that is a depressing drunk).

...at the hub of a spiders web of integrated communication activity?

While clearly this is a shop aimed at men, upon questioning, the senior hair cutter broke down and released the key information: yes, occasionally some women do come to the shop, and yes, their numbers have been increasing in line with the worsening of the economy.
And this, of course, is just like the market - good quality information will not hand itself to you on a plate - you need to go after it.
*I may have made his name up
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