23 November, 2009

Global Warming Myth Busted

So, yet another secret of life and the market gives up its (how should I put this) - you know - its secrecy, through an everyday life - erm - thing.

While many clever people, most of whom have facial hair, have donated millions of collective manhours studying the why, how and where of global warming is occuring, the answer was with us all along.

Here, in Hamamatsuchyo, we have the clue all interested parties have been looking for.

Why, it is for no plainer reason than:

A giant pigeon laying eggs on the top of the world!

Now, of course there will be criticism and skepticism of this idea, as with any scientific breakthrough. However, you will surely appreciate the elegance of the explanation - it:

  • Can explain global heating with an integrated model

  • Proposes a novel way to explain why the North pole is heating faster than everywhere else

  • Introduces a clear path to solving the problem

And this, of course, is very much like the market. If you analyze something too long, you may miss the giant pigeon.